Transmutation of a Planet 2011-2019

Cyprus : Transmutation of a Planet 2011-2019

‘Transmutation of a Planet 2011-2019’ by artist Rhea Bailey


Opus 39 Gallery presents a collection of artwork by Rhea Bailey entitled ‘Transmutation of a Planet 2011-2019’. A well-known and loved artist both here in Cyprus and abroad, Rhea has undoubtedly helped form the Cyprus art scene and set standards over the decades, winning numerous awards and accolades in recognition of her contribution to art.

[...Rhea Bailey always surprises us with her refined and powerful abstract art research and contribution to Cypriot, European and International art. Moving from monumental to miniature, from rectangle to circle, from regular to irregular and from canvas to silk and again to paper she explores all potential means of expression to free our spirit and broaden our vision to see the world from a new perspective…]

Opening Monday, May 6, 7:30p.m.

Working Hours:
Monday 17.00-20.00
Tuesday-Friday 10.30-12.30 & 17.00-20.00
Saturday 10:30 - 12:30


Monday through Saturday
From: Monday, May 6th, 2019
Until: Saturday, May 18th, 2019
Time: See Description


21 Kimonos Street
Strovolos, Nicosia 2006, Cyprus
Phone: 22424983

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