Code Cyprus 2019

Cyprus : Code Cyprus 2019

Code Cyprus is a fun, entertaining and educating event with a goal of promoting the value and beauty of computer programming to teenagers in Cyprus and beyond.

This year we have workshops for teenagers (12-19) and also a new special workshop for kids (4-5).

Select one of the workshops, and receive a cool Certificate of Participation while also learning to code!

Play music using code
Ideal for programming novices who want to try and learn the basics in a fun 2-hour session.

Explore underwater worlds in Minecraft
You will explore and build underwater worlds in Minecraft while learning the basic elements of programming.

Games Challenge
Ideal for game lovers who already have some programming experience.

Programming a Robotic Arm
This workshop teaches you how to program a robotic arm - which is an electromechanical device that perform functions similar to a human arm.

Programming with Arduino
Learn how programming enables you to control hardware, such as led lamps, and power up electric motors!

Harnessing the power of data analytics
This advanced workshop introduces the data analytics process and its main techniques using modern techniques and tools.

Robot Adventures
For children 4-5 years old (with their parents)

Learn more at


Saturday, March 2nd, 2019
Time: 09:00 - 14:30


12-14 University Avenue
Pyla, Larnaca 7080, Cyprus
Phone: 24694000




Phone: 24694091

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