22nd Contemporary Dance Festival - Switzerland

Cyprus : 22nd Contemporary Dance Festival - Switzerland

This virtuoso dance work, inaudible, won a Swiss Dance Award 2017 in the Current Works Competition. In his work, Swiss-Belgian choreographer Thomas Hauert touches the common ground between dance and music. Thomas Hauert takes the notion of ‘interpretation’ as a starting point for this group performance for six dancers (2016). The choreographer uses existing pieces of music that he closely relates to choreographic scores, structured improvisations linked to the music. Here, the dancers confront themselves with George Gershwin’s Concerto in F and Ludus de Morte Regis by contemporary composer Mauro Lanza. Always looking for new approaches to dance, Hauert reverses the principle of ‘mickeymousing’ and lets the movements follow the music directly. The result is a condensed and detailed choreography, a fascinating series of movements that make tangible the musical experience.

ZOO/Thomas Hauert is a Brussels based contemporary dance company. In 1998, the Swiss dancer Thomas Hauert from the canton of Solothurn decided to form his own company and has since then created more than twenty pieces, e.g. Cows in Space, Verosimile, Modify, Walking Oscar, Accords, MONO, (sweet) (bitter), inaudible, which have toured all over the world. His last creation How to proceed celebrates the 20th anniversary of the company and was premiered last February in Théâtre de Liège. Outside the context of ZOO, he has created pieces for e.g. P.A.R.T.S., the Zurich Ballet, Toronto Dance Theatre, Candoco Dance Company and CCN Ballet de Lorraine. Thomas Hauert is the artistic director of the bachelor degree in contemporary dance at the school La Manufacture in Lausanne since 2014. Thomas Hauert is “artiste en compagnonnage” at Théâtre de Liège (2018-2022) and artist in residency at Théâtre Les Tanneurs.

Performers: Fabian Barba, Thomas Hauert, Sarah Ludi, Albert Quesada, Gabriel Schenker, Mat Voorter
Technical Manager: Bert Van Dijck
Music: George Gerswhin Piano Concerto in F, Mauro Lanza Ludus de Morte Regis
Costumes: Chevalier-Masson
Light: Bert Van Dijck
Sound: Bart Celis
Musical collage: Thomas Hauert
Informatical musical collaboration: Ircam - Martin Antiphon
Production: ZOO/Thomas Hauert
Coproduction: Kunstenfestivaldesarts (BE) / Charleroi Danse (BE) / PACT Zollverein (DE) / La Bâtie – Geneva Festival (CH) / Centre chorégraphique national de Rillieux-la-Pape – direction Yuval Pick (FR) / Théâtre Sévelin 36 (CH) / CDC Atelier de Paris-Carolyn Carlson (FR) / Ircam – Centre Pompidou (FR)

With the support of: Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles – Service de la danse / Pro Helvetia – Swiss Arts Foundation / Loterie Nationale / Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie / Ein Kulturengagement des Lotterie-Fonds des Kantons Solothurn / Wallonie-Bruxelles International
Studio: Charleroi danse, La Raffinerie (BE) / Grand Studio (BE) / Centre chorégraphique national de Rillieux-la-Pape – direction Yuval Pick (FR)

Thanks: Les Cris de Paris (direction Geoffroy Jourdain), who commissioned and performed Ludus de Morte Regis from Mauro Lanza in festival ManiFeste (Ircam – Centre Pompidou), 2013


Duration: 60'

All dance performances are part of the 22nd Cyprus Contemporary Dance Festival 2019, organized by the Cultural Services of the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Rialto Theater.

Free Bus from Nicosia (99420642)

Tickets: €8
Festival Pass: €30

Free admission for pubils, students, soldiers, pensioners and dance professionals


Friday, June 14th, 2019
Time: Starts at 20:30


Andrea Drousioti 19
Platia Iroon
Limassol, Limassol 3603, Cyprus
Phone: 77777745




Phone: 77777745

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Note: While every care has been taken to ensure the information provided is accurate, we advise you to check with the event organisers before travelling to confirm the details are correct.


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