Summer Fun Drama Games

Cyprus : Summer Fun Drama Games

The “Καλοκαιρινές Θεατρικές Παιχνιδοπεριπέτειες” of July consist of 6 Workshops (July 9th, 11th & 12th), of which the objective is SUMMER FUN but also the development of emotional intelligence, self confidence and self expression, creativity and imagination in a fun atmosphere of teamwork and trust!

Children are welcome to participate in as many workshops as they wish (depending on availability) - Each workshop will offer a different fun experience!

Limited availability - Reserve your child's/children's place to the workshop/s of your interest, well in advance at tel 99377028 or via our Facebook page:

Entrance fee to each workshop: €10
30% discount to siblings
FREE snack and juice will be offered during our break (18:00 – 18:30) to all children who will participate in both workshops.


Tuesday July 9th & Friday July 12th
16:30 – 18:00 "Let's make our own story" *
18:00 – 18:30 Break
18:30 – 20:00 Θεατρικές Παιχνιδοπεριπέτειες **

*«Let’s make our own story!» (July 9th & 12th at 16:30 – 18:00)
"Let's make our own story" Is one of Θεατρικές Παιχνιδοπεριπέτειες favourite drama games, yet in this workshop the children will have the opportunity, under the guidance of Eleana, to look deeper into the characters, their feelings and reactions, imagine more detailed locations but also situations and dramatize the most fascinating scenes of their own story.

Imagination hats and carefree capes will be offered (complimentary) at the workshop's entrance!
For more information you may visit:

Thursday July 11th
16:30 – 18:00 "Φιλαράκο, ποτέ ξανά!" *
18:00 – 18:30 Break
18:30 – 20:00 Θεατρικές Παιχνιδοπεριπέτειες **

* "Φιλαράκο, ποτέ ξανά!" Workshop (July 11th at 16:30 – 18:00)
A fun workshop based on Eleana Pastella’s childrens book (Elias Epiphaniou Publications)

Both «Φιλαράκο, ποτέ ξανά!» book and workshop have the approval of the Ministry of Education and Culture and aim to promote critical thinking, emotional intelligence and empathy.

Eleana’s interactive book presentation, the cartoon voices that she uses for all the book characters as well as the fun drama games which follow with ΘεατρικέςΠαιχνιδοπεριπέτειες boost the messages of the book with a fun and creative way.

** Θεατρικές Παιχνιδοπεριπέτειες (July 9th, 11th & 12th at 18:30 – 20:00)

Fun Drama Games, Laughter, Imagination and Creativity for children ages 6-10!

The objective of Θεατρικές Παιχνιδοπεριπέτειες workshops is SUMMER FUN but also the development of emotional intelligence, self confidence and self expression, creativity and imagination of the participants, in a fun atmosphere of teamwork and trust!
For more information you may visit:


On specific days
From: Tuesday, July 9th, 2019
Until: Friday, July 12th, 2019
Time: 16:30 - 20:00


Prodromou & Archbishop Kyprianou
Strovolos , Nicosia Cyprus




Phone: 99377028

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