1st Owl Festival - Are you afraid of the dark?

The Little Worry People Announces the First Owl Festival, which it starts with the play "Are you afraid of the dark?". The play combines interaction with children and theatrical game.
Theatrical play: “Are you afraid of the dark?”
The Little Worry People present the play “Are you afraid of the dark?". The story aims to help children to overcome their fears of the dark.
It is about a little owl who was afraid of the dark, until it met Skody, who with her ingenious plan manages to help her little friend come to terms with the lights...off! The performance also includes digital art.
Actors: Andrei Krupa and Nicoletta Christoforou, Director: Andrei Krupa, Costume designer: Liana Kopitsa, Digital Art: Maria Christoforou
Date: Sunday 2019 | 6 October & 3 November
Time: 11:00am
Venue: The little worry people art and drama studio, 2 Orfeos str. Engomi –N/sia
Duration: 1 hour and 20 minutes | Language: Greek
Ticket price: €8 | Contact number: 99358663, 99621669, 22590197
Tickets to be booked in advance. Limited number of seats.
Arrival: 15 minutes before the start of the show
More info: www.thelittleworrypeople.com
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